As I sit here and write this, I wonder to myself if there is absolute reality, one absolute truth, or are there so many different realms of different realities (one for each person alive at any given moment in time). To be logical, it would seem like the world is one way, and then we all paint different renderings of it. But what if it exists in a different way, in that maybe nothing truly exists but we all project our various views of it so that it exists that way. Maybe nothing is truly real. Maybe the collective functioning of so many brains makes it reality. Or maybe there is some spiritual being that is true reality.
Taking ideas from Eastern religions, we are all part of the same-ness, we are connected together, made of the same things- which as science is starting to learn is nothing but an idea or thought. This is all just fascinating, that we are just merely ideas. And if we are all just ideas, then all we have to do is change our thoughts, and then we'll end up changing reality. This all fits together so nicely. And as you look through history over the ages, you see that changes in thought is what propels humanity into the future.
But what makes me so sad is that in a few decades, this truth that I'm writing down now won't be truth. It will have adapted to the changing of time and taken on a completely different reality. Just as the way the mind-body split idea took off, at least my hope is that this current view of thoughts will change the world to make it a better place. Already, I am trying to use my thoughts to only express good things into the world.
But I still have 2 huge demons to overcome, as well as a few minor ones. But my goal with my thoughts is to try and put the least amount of negative energy into the world by being the best person I can possibly be, by thinking the best thoughts I possibly can. Of course, I have so much work to do and I need to devote more energy to it.
The power of thoughts can connect you to anyone, anywhere. They can be transformative and moving. If harnessed correctly, my thoughts can improve the world. Anyone's thoughts can improve the world. Deplete the world of negative thought and there goes all war, famine, and sadness that makes up the world today.
Let's take the example of the News. They are constantly telling stories of only sadness, anger, violence, and the world's most horrifying negativity. So many people watch the News and take in contact with the world's negative energy. It spreads like a disease. And these are the stories that get viewers, which means money. But what if we replaced every single negative story with a positive one, spreading hope and joy to all those people, because people would spread that joy and happiness instead of the violence. They would also start truly believing that the world was a good place, and not a bad one. That right there changes the world.
I wish that everyone would be so peaceful and spread goodness to other people. I'm starting my own self-improvement, because it's the only form of control I currently have. But I'm hoping that I can touch the lives of people around me and they can spread the message on to the people they know and then it can grow from there. This is all I really want out of life. I just want people to know that they have control over their own happiness and success in life. There really is no waiting around for fate to step in. It's all in our own hands. It's all that you have. Breaking out of old mind sets allows you to change reality- because you are changing the thoughts that make up that reality.
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